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Naruto Fanfiction Naruto Is Neglected by His Family and Has the Rinnegan

Naruto Forgotten Child of Prophecy past HaretaSora

Anime » Naruto Rated: T, English language, Adventure & Romance, [Naruto U., Guren, Konan] Kushina U., Words: 107k+, Favs: 5k+, Follows: 4k+, Published: nine/28/2014 Updated: xi/four/2017}

ane,207 Chapter one

Plotline: E'er since the Kyuubi attack 8 years ago, 12 twelvemonth quondam Naruto has been ignored and forgotten by his parents in place of his sis Nasumi who became the jinchuriki of the Kyuubi while Naruto unknowingly held the soul and has decided to get out and be done with it all.


Naruto -12

Nasumi -viii

Itachi -sixteen

Mikoto -34

Sasuke -8

Minato and Kushina -34/33

Naruto x ? – Very minor crossover elements (motion set from an anime, maybe more)

I do non own anything! Except the OC's

Naruto Forgotten Child of Prophecy

Affiliate 1

A 12 yr old male child was overlooking his village from atop the monument of past Hokages. He had spikey blonde hair that went to the summit of his shoulders. His dark violet optics gazed at the hamlet. He wore blackness cargo pants with black shinobi sandals and a nighttime orange long sleeve shirt under a black sleeveless hooded jacket. He was sitting atop is male parent 's monument. He disliked his family greatly and his female parent to a pocket-sized fraction less. They had abandoned and forgotten him for 8 years in identify of his sister Nasumi. Never noticing when he was out of the firm or when it was his birthday. And today was the final solar day he will e'er endure through seeing them act as a family and forget him all together.

The last straw was when he was 9 and they left him alone for 2 weeks, to visit Land of the Hot Springs never even noticing him. He had to escape his sealed down firm (which took 5 days to do) and caput to his friend's firm. He just couldn't leave yet, he was too immature and too untrained. Even remembering that day hurt him.


Naruto awoke to the sound of a door being shut and voices outside. He went up to the window to see his family, as he roughly put them, walking away from the house with suitcases. They had forgotten him once again. He then bolted towards the forepart door remembering that his dad locked down the house with the strongest seals he had.

He tried to open the front door only it wouldn't budge even the slightest scrap. He started to worry as he tried every window and door leading exterior. After a couple hours he gave up and focused on food. He had at best 2 days of it stashed away due to the fact his parents rarely remembering to feel him and the fact when his dad locked everything down the included some things inside. Such equally nutrient pantries, his written report, the basement and parent's bedroom and these had fifty-fifty stronger seals just in case anyone did find a small way inside.

He never understood why the food pantries and refrigerator only fifty-fifty if he did enquire his father would reply with what he ever replied with "I'm busy with paper work, ask you mother" fifty-fifty if he didn't enquire him anything.

He didn't know how long they'd exist gone for but he needed to save his nutrient and then effort and get out. He needed energy to do and then.

-2 Days Later-

Naruto just ate the last of his nutrient and institute where he would try and claw his way out of. The middle pantry under the sink, information technology was the only identify he knew it would lead straight outside and not have stone blocking it merely woods wasn't easy either especially since he had no kunai, no shuriken and no tools to employ.

His father said they were too dangerous and yet he gave them to Nasumi and she was 5.

And he didn't have whatever training with chakra, all he could exercise is flare it to alert Mikoto that he was in trouble. Downside is Mikoto wouldn't be able to experience it while he was inside so he had to practice it the second he got outside.

He sighed before crouching into the pantry and felt the back wall, information technology was going to be painful but he felt he could do it. Merely as he entered it had closed behind him. He tried opening it but at that place was a seal matrix on it now. 'Great now either I escape or I die in this cupboard'. He started to boot at the back wall, splintering it slightly. This was going to have some time.

-i 24-hour interval spent trying to intermission out through pantry-

He had grown tired of kicking and his left leg was broken and his right leg wouldn't move. So now he had to utilise his hands.

-3 days spent trying to pause out through pantry-

Naruto was in intense pain. His left hand was bloodied and all the finger nails were on the floor. He struggled to stay awake as he continued with his right hand. He was cursing his parents heavily every bit he worked through the pain. He figured his parents weren't coming dorsum for a week or ii.

-v days since trying to break out through pantry-

Naruto was so close. He could see light peek in through cracks but his hands were and so encarmine and without any nails. His vision was blurry and he had been on the verge of passing out for the terminal day. 5 days since he had whatever nutrient and blood loss was not a expert for him.

He took a deep jiff and punched his way through. He smiled weakly as he pulled himself through the pigsty with one arm and flared his chakra as much as his weak body could, alerting Mikoto immediately every bit he passed out.

-Next Mean solar day-

"Are y'all okay Naru-chan?" Mikoto asks every bit he wakes upwardly groggily.

"Mikoto-okaa-san? Where am I?" he asks as he tries to sit upward only to observe his entire body sore.

"Stay laying down Naruto, you lot lost a lot of blood and y'all're suffering from exhaustion as well as torn muscles and broken bones. I have you lot within the Uchiha's medic bay with my clan'due south best doctors sworn to secrecy healing y'all" Mikoto says as she pets her son in everything but claret. Ever since she found out her all-time friend Kushina had basically abased her son she had taken care of him as best every bit she could since she was a association head.

Naruto looks upwardly at her and smiles softly "Then I really made it out, I wasn't dreaming?" he asks.

Mikoto nods "Aye Beloved, you lot bankrupt out and I am having some association member's fix up the wall to hibernate it, how are your easily feeling?"

Naruto looks down to come across his arms and legs in casts, thankfully he had the Uzumaki longevity from his mother "my limbs feel on burn but better than they were, give thanks you Mikoto-okaa-san" he says sending her a smile.

Mikoto pets his caput "How long did it take you to break out?" she says with a pout.

Naruto looks abroad "I ate my food for 2 days then took me around five days I'm guessing".

Mikoto hugs him gently "I'm and then sorry Naru-chan" she says as she pets his head, letting him cry into her chest.

"I h-hate th-hem" he says in-between sobs "t-they n-never notice me anymore, they due north-never make sure I've e-eaten or t-that I'thou even there". He buries his head into her and cries more "my parents are dead to me" he whispers but Mikoto and Itachi hear him clearly and frown at the hurting that he had gone through at such a immature age.

Naruto looks up at them and they gasp at his eyes. Naruto looks at them dislocated "What's incorrect?"

Mikoto looks at Itachi and nods "Naru-chan it seems you've awakened a dojutsu, like the Sharingan but this ane hasn't been seen in millennia. The Rinnegan" she says handing him a mirror.

Gone were his violet optics and now his eyes were pure silver with four black concentric circles and here his pupil normally is now is a small-scale dot of a pupil.

"Don't worry Itachi and I will help you lot learn to turn your eyes off and learn as much as you can before your parents render" She says with a smile.

-Flashback Stop-

Gaining the Rinnegan was the only skillful thing to come out of that experience.

Mikoto and Itachi had taught him how to aqueduct chakra into his eyes and cut the period so he could hide information technology. The Rinnegan apparently gave him a photographic retentivity likewise as amazing chakra control and affinity to all elements too as gravity, which was found out when the paper floated upward later channeling chakra into it.

"Naru-chan" a adult female's' voice rang out in his mind "You lot demand to hurry or else you lot won't be able to leave" she says in a caring tone. No he wasn't crazy. When he was around 10 he discovered something shocking, he had the soul of the Kyuubi inside of him.


x twelvemonth erstwhile Naruto sat under a tree with a frown on his face. He had asked his begetter and female parent for training yet over again and they had told him no, like always. Yet there they were training his 6 year erstwhile sister in the basics, something no 1 had helped him in.

Ever since the Kyuubi attacked the village 6 years ago and his father had told the village he had sealed the Kyuubi into Nasumi who looked exactly like his mother, long red hair and violet optics. The villagers treated her like a hero and completely forgot nigh him.

He struggled to hold dorsum tears as he sees his female parent and father applaud her and go out to dinner, completely forgetting about him again. They never even noticed his wounds from when he escaped the house or even the fact he was gone from habitation for about 2 months after they returned.

"I am so sorry Naru-chan" a adult female'south vocalization says in his head.

He looks around frantically "W-who's in that location!?" he says in a dislocated tone.

"Relax Naru-chan, I will show myself to y'all" the voice says as he passes out against the tree.


Naruto looks around to see himself continuing atop a clear lake, he looks effectually until he sees a beautiful woman wearing a dark red kimono with a regal obi. She had dark orange long hair and smooth skin same tone as his mother'due south. She also had nighttime red optics with a vertical slits, and her almost noticeable attribute was the 9 tails behind her the same color as her hair.

"Hello Naru-chan, I am so glad to finally run into you, I have been trying to speak to you but sadly my soul hadn't been able to total reform until late concluding night" she says with a caring smile that he hasn't seen in years.

He frowns at her "Who are you miss?" he asks confused at where he is and how she looks.

"Oh I am lamentable, where are my manners. I am Karumi but you know me as the soul of the Nine Tailed Fox" she says with a warm smile as she strokes his cheek "And I am so lamentable for what happened, I was not in command of my actions on that day" she says with a frown.

He looks at her confused "W-Wha? How can you exist the Kyuubi? Aren't yous sealed in my sis?" he asks looking upwardly at her.

She frowns and nods "Yes she holds my ability just for some reason my soul is fatigued to y'all. Without my soul my power cannot be controlled, even by Kushina's chains or even Mokuton. It is pure uncontrolled power full of rage from my younger years but then again as I am just a soul I take no power to give you but I can teach you lot many skills and how to control the eyes of my father" she says finishing information technology off with a smile.

Naruto grows a giant smile "You lot tin teach me Karumi-chan!?" he says excited.

Karumi nods "Yes I tin can and I tin assist you lot leave the village like you've been planning, I know where yous tin go" she says with a smile.

Naruto smiles even bigger and hugs her, crying in her arms "Thank you" he says in between sobs as she pets his head.

"Of course Naru-chan, I volition always exist here for y'all" she says with a smiling.

-Flashback End-

Naruto nods and heads over to the Uchiha chemical compound to see his friend Itachi, who had something important to requite to him. Itachi had graduated from the academy 4 years early on at the age of 12 and was now 16 while he himself was non allowed to enroll due to his father wanting Nasumi to get total focus and if two of the Hokage'due south children were in then Nasumi wouldn't get fully attention but he didn't care he had Karumi to train him to Itachi'southward level when he was 12. He and Itachi had befriended later he wandered upon his grooming basis.

He and Shisui had stopped an attempted coupe d'état effort when they were 13 which ended when Itachi and Shisui had to impale their fathers but Shisui had died too. Itachi and he unlocked the Mangekyo Sharingan. Itachi had sealed Shisui and their begetter'south bodies away into a storage seal on his wrist. Simply ones who knew of his eyes were Naruto and Mikoto. And they were the only ones who knew of his Rinnegan as well.

Naruto had already grabbed everything he needed from his business firm, keeping it inside the storage curlicue strapped to his back. Including food, clothes, camping ground gears and countless copied scrolls from his dad'south library that included the Rasengan and Hiraishinthat he stole and copied when his father was out of the firm. He even grabbed a stash of the kunais his dad used for them.

He arrived at Itachi's private chemical compound to see him and Mikoto smile at him kindly. "Come inside for a flake Naruto, we take some gifts to give yous" Mikoto says petting his head. He smiles and nods seeing Itachi smiling equally well.

He sits down in front end of them and Itachi unseals some items for him, it seems similar some scrolls and a vile containing a pair of optics. "I want to give you lot these copies of Uchiha jutsus of varying elements and I request you hold onto Shisui's eyes for me" he says handing them to him.

Naruto looks speechlessly at him "Are you sure?" he asks shocked.

Mikoto nods "We tin trust you to keep them prophylactic. Y'all have any thought where you lot are planning to get?" she asks as Naruto seals the items abroad and bows to Itachi.

"I plan on going to a temple in the Land of Water that a friend is presiding over as a monk" he says lying to them, the temple is where Karumi'south scrolls and house for when she lived in her man form.

Itachi notices information technology but decides not to say anything, his friend could expect after himself. His Rinnegan was coming along nicely and thanks to the Uchiha scrolls he had a base understanding of his optics and the apparent Paths all he needed was to railroad train in them. "I too wish to give y'all this," he hands Naruto the Militarist summoning contract "I know you can already summon animals with the Animal Path but with this we can communicate easier"

Naruto looks speechless but nods, signing it wholeheartedly. "Thank y'all Itachi" he says with a smile making Itachi smile likewise.

Mikoto hugged him "Be safe Naru-chan, nosotros will do all we tin can to keep them from finding you. Just be careful" she says kissing his forehead making him blush. He nods straps the scroll back onto his lower back.

"Until adjacent time, if at that place is one" he says hugging them and giving Mikoto a buss on her cheek earlier rushing out of the hamlet.

"The barrier around the village will alert ANBU of you leaving then y'all might demand to release your seals or employ your clones to confuse them" Karumi says as he rushes from tree to tree.

He nods and continues on before he feels two presences around him. "Halt why are you leaving the village young Namikaze?" an ANBU asks confused, this is the kid of the Hokage, why is he trying to leave?

Naruto glares at him "I'm leaving to get away from my neglectful parents, now permit me exit" he says glaring at them.

They look shocked confused at the neglectful remark "Look but go back to the village, nosotros don't want to have to strong arm you".

Naruto sighs and puts his hands into the tiger sign "Kai!" he yells releasing his intense gravity seals before disappearing in a burst of speed.

Leaving backside ii stunned ANBU's who by the fourth dimension the shock wore off Naruto was too far for them to even endeavor following. They now had to report to the Hokage that his son, had ran away from the hamlet.

They did not want to practise information technology but knew they had to.

Naruto was speeding through the forest at a surprising speed 'Wow, this is my top speed?' he thinks shocked.

"Yes, now slow downwardly a bit, we don't desire to burn all your energy plus but you wait, I have some techniques that volition make this speed look like a snail's stride" she says with a smirk.

Naruto nods and slows downwards considerably, wondering how it was going dorsum in the village.

-Hidden Leaf Village-

Minato Namikaze was not happy, he had been woken up at the center of the night along with his wife, who was now crying heavily, to exist informed that their oldest child Naruto, had ran away and said something about beingness neglectful.

'It wasn't true. Is it?' he thinks to himself trying to think of his times with his son when it finally dawned on him. Ever since Nasumi came into the motion-picture show they had forgotten almost him. 8 years, he has been going through this, being shoved abroad for his sister.

This is why his wife was sobbing hysterically. They had failed at being parents, but they can all the same recover, right?

He looked to his ANBU "Wake Kakashi, transport him with his ninken and do everything in your power to render my son domicile and tell him if he is late I am dropping him down to genin" he said in a serious tone.

The ANBU nod and torso-flicker away. He wrapped his arms around his wife "Shh, we volition detect him and make upwardly for it all" he said in a tone that fifty-fifty he didn't believe but his wife just kept crying.

'I hope they find him presently' he thinks to himself 'I don't know if she can handle this' he thinks in a somber tone.

-Dorsum with Naruto-

Naruto was at the edge between Water and Fire land, once he stepped through he'd be free. He smiled and ran through only for a group of nine dogs surround him, familiar dogs. 'Kakashi' he thought with a groan 'I might have to prove some of my abilities'.

Kakashi appears in a body-flicker "Naruto, delight finish running, you've hurt your female parent and father by running away" he says in a calm tone, from what the ANBU have stated he is as fast every bit a low-jonin.

Naruto glared at him "How practise you call up I felt for viii whole years! Hell they left me locked in the firm and didn't return for ii weeks, I had to claw my way out of the house! It took v days Kakashi! If you lot don't believe me, go to the center lesser cupboard in the house and look at the back of it, you will run into everything" Naruto says earlier creating x shadow clones and makes them all run in opposite directions. Since they all shared his smell and showed his network so the ninken and Kakashi were unable to tell which i the real one is.

Kakashi sighs but decides to bank check out his claim, his sensei couldn't be that bad…could he? Kakashi sends his ninken away and returns to the village.

Naruto smirks as he drops the henge he used to become a bird up in a tree. Give thanks Kami when he obtained the Rinnegan it had additional his reserves to that of the 2 tailed animal, co-ordinate to Karumi. He continued towards the water temple.

-2 Days Later-

He looked at the archway of the water temple, information technology looked in expert status. "Ah memories, back when I had my gorgeous body and all my beautiful foxies. Ooo I wonder if the contract is withal there" Karumi thinks with a grinning.

Naruto chuckles every bit he works his way into the temple nether Karumi'due south direction because she made an well-nigh impossible way to become into the temple to go along her belongings rubber.

Naruto finally drops down into the temple to see it chaotic in mountains of scrolls and weaponry. He sweat drops "Jeez Karumi, you are such a hoarder" he says as he sorts through the scrolls, many of them expect ancient while the weapons await new, hell some of the scrolls are new looking.

"Well arraign my foxies, I told them to proceed stealing stuff for me, who knew they'd actually go this far" she says drooling at all the scrolls. Naruto finally finds a massive scroll that reads 'Fox Summoning Contract'. "Ooo! Oo! Sign information technology! With the Rinnegan y'all can take multiple contracts and the foxes would merely love y'all!" she says excited. Naruto sighs and signs it.

"At present Naru-chan, I am going to train you in the fox style Taijutsu and many other forms along in many ninjutsus. Genjutsu won't piece of work on y'all due to your optics but I have never been a large fan of them so we won't learn much except how to dispel and tell that they have been cast" she explains to him. "At present look around for a scroll named Bairong Swift Stance because that volition exist ane of your nearly powerful abilities when you master it".

Naruto nods and afterwards near 10 minutes he finds it and opens it upwardly, reading it.

'The Bairong Swift Opinion is a technique that utilizes the spiritual half of chakra (Yin) to enhance your speed to superhuman levels.

Only downside being is that you must cull where you lot are going earlier hand and one time you prepare off yous cannot change besides as most tin can dash to 3 points consecutively. If yous fight against anyone who tin can predict movements well enough y'all will be at a disadvantage.

Though there was mention of a Xing Bairong who could dash equally much as he wanted and could alter his warp point one-half way but it would damage him greatly.

The Bairong Swift Stance coupled with the Kaiser Fist where y'all concentrate an incredible amount Y ang chakra into your fist and release information technology in a punch.

Simply to utilize these techniques y'all must master control over Yin chakra in 3 stages.

Sinbo (Release) the basics x%

Shinchuk (Elasticity) intermediate l%

And Shinsok (Swift) mastery 100%

If you endeavour beforehand your torso volition break nether the stress, quite literally'.

He lets out a whistle in amazement 'This will accept some time Karumi, practise you lot even know what these techniques should look like?' he asks confused.

Karumi nods "Of form, I have been around thousands of years, I tin teach you everything along with kenjutsu. Find a sword you experience a pull to and we can showtime with both" she says with a smile.

Naruto nods and looks around the weapons until ends up in front of a katana with a black sheath and night grey guard in the shape of an eight indicate star. He picked it up and unsheathed it to reveal a pitch black blade with a silver moving ridge pattern on the blade.

"Hmm then you chose Gobosei, that blade will take some time to master merely I know just the kenjutsu stance to teach you. It is called Flying Consume. You infuse chakra into your bract, virtually probable wind and fire off blades of chakra at your opponent and with Gobosei it holds the ability to create 8 astral swords to aid. That combined with Flying Consume will be powerful but difficult to larn. Good thing nosotros take time and energy. At present let united states brainstorm" she says with a smiling.

-Leaf Hamlet – iii years later-

Minato frowned at the paper work in front of him. Information technology had been iii years since his son had ran away. His wife had a mental breakup and now never left the house or fifty-fifty their son's room. He had asked Inoichi if he could fix her, all he could practise is give her momentary breaks but they were few and far in-betwixt. Nasumi was dead-gear up on getting her brother to render and help their female parent.

Though she didn't blame him, she never noticed that he was getting neglected. What bankrupt Kushina the virtually was realizing they left him sealed in the house and forgot him for a 2 whole weeks when they were on vacation. Kakashi showed him the pigsty he clawed his fashion out of, it didn't go out as information technology seemed to be boarded upwards from the outside. Minato had paled completely white at the claret and fingernails left over and Kushina had fainted. He sealed the cupboard with the strongest seal he head to make certain his wife, girl or anyone else never saw it, even if information technology was fixed, the memories were there.

No one noticed Naruto existence neglected, except for the Uchihas apparently who had cared for his son many times. Though when asked why they didn't mention anything they responded "Naruto made united states swear on our honor not to tell. Even if nosotros didn't swear we still wouldn't accept said a give-and-take if he asked united states of america to". It had shocked him to run into the Uchihas caring towards someone who wasn't their blood.

Minato sighed merely as a white blur shot through his window into his office. "Jiraiya-sensei, to what practice I owe this pleasure" he says in a deadpan voice.

Jiraiya gives him a serious look "The toads have ushered a prophecy and I fear it is almost Naruto. Information technology speaks of the forgotten kid returning to usher peace or war, information technology all depends on the one holding his centre" he explains and Minato frowns.

"Has your spy network constitute anything about him?" for the last 3 years he had Jiraiya searching for Naruto with his spy network.

Jiraiya shakes his head "None at all and that is surprising me. How can a niggling kid evade my spy network?" he sighs "How is Kushina?" he asks in a lamentable tone.

Minato shakes his head "She never leaves his old room, her mind seems splintered and seems to be in her own globe".

Jiraiya nods "I volition leave again soon to await more. Kakashi said he was heading towards H2o country so that's best place to wait. How is Nasumi?"

Minato sighs "Hell aptitude on finding her brother so she is training like crazy. She is in the university, when she graduates I hope for you lot to train her, possibly requite her the toad contract like nosotros planned those years agone". Jiraiya nods as he jumps out of the window.

Minato sighed 'I hope yous return soon son'.

-With Itachi-

He had merely dispelled the militarist summon that Naruto had sent. Evidently his training was going along nicely and he had gained a fob summoning contract equally well. The foxes and hawks even agreed to work together, which was very good.

Naruto even sent him some aboriginal Uchiha scrolls pertaining to the Mangekyo and Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. He told him that he found it in a temple that the fob summons were stashing stolen appurtenances.

It had helped him evolve his optics to European monetary system level. Information technology turned out his father had MS also so by transplanting his optics he achieved European monetary system.

Since he was now 19 he was studying to be the clan leader which his mother was currently doing so equally she likewise cared for his immature brother Sasuke who was 11 and hell aptitude on becoming strong enough to be the clan leader.

He wondered what Naruto would do after grooming, but he'd ask that next fourth dimension.

-With Naruto (15 years one-time at present)-

Naruto was at present roughly five'8" his blonde hair at present down past his shoulders. He wore black cargo pants and an orangish kimono top closed with a grey obi wearing wooden sandals. He had Gobosei strapped to his waist and his highly advanced foreign ringlet that contained the big mountain of scrolls and weapons in it. He had to use his Rinnegan to make the storage seals much stronger by making it more detailed with super small seals. Perfect eyesight was a beautiful affair.

Over the 3 years he had learned to create even more seals, plus it helped when Karumi was with him. He had also learned much about his optics. Information technology turned out he had Senju and Uchiha blood in his veins. He had learned numerous elemental jutsus likewise as Mokuton, which shocked him. Only according to Karumi he would never awaken his Sharingan as he obtained it highly out of order. He didn't listen but he heard from his summons Mikoto was upset she wouldn't exist able to train him in the Sharingan.

Though he had a theory that if he transplanted Shisui's optics into him they would evolve into European monetary system and so they would go to Rinnegan again simply he didn't desire to do it just withal.

He besides was making great progress with his Bairong Swift Stance and Kaiser Fist. He had just achieved the intermediate level of Yin and Yang command so he has yet to fully main either of them but he was more than one-half style there.

His Rinnegan gave him perfect chakra control just he had to split his chakra and then command information technology again.

He had also accessed all of his Paths but had not remotely come close to mastering them. They were quite difficult. But apparent the Sage of the Six Paths, the one who created Karumi had them and she knew a lot nigh them.

His kenjutsu was going nicely, with Gobosei he could summon 3 astral swords hands. Controlling them and coating them in wind chakra was another story. He could keep his main sword coated easily and using Flying Swallow manner easily. It was a quick paced style with attacks that could be turned long range.

He had mastered the Rasengan in a week easily with the use of clones. Information technology had taken another 2 weeks to use it 1 handed. He could make it bigger just it put a lot of strain on his arm and then Kasumi told him to not utilize the Odama Rasengan until he got stronger this also practical to trying to create an elemental version of it. The Hiraishin was incredibly difficult but he was making slow progress in it.

Karumi was like a mother to him similar Mikoto was. Looking after him and fifty-fifty chewing him out when he worked likewise hard or skipped a repast. When she was teaching him she was strict, telling him it was so he could defend himself.

Today he was meditating in the main temple room underneath the Buddhist statue. The Hawkes had informed him of something chosen Sage Mode. He was thinking it over. It was washed by drawing in Nature energy to strengthen your torso and enhance your strength. He wanted to learn how to do it but Karumi told him to wait until he mastered his other abilities to a greater extent.

He sighed, he withal needed to observe out what to do after he had trained. He wanted to assist others. War was terrible and he had seen what it did to people, especially the children in the orphanages.

Co-ordinate to his Trick scouts the Moving ridge hamlet was having trouble, perhaps he'd check them out once he learns more of his techniques. He wondered how his family was. He couldn't really care of his mother or father all that much just his sister wasn't guilty.

-Nasumi - 11 years quondam-

Nasumi grumbled every bit she listened to yet another boring lesson from Iruka-sensei. She entered this academy to learn to be a ninja and then she could find her brother and render him abode, not figure out who the starting time Hokage was related to.

Iruka hit her forehead with a piece of chalk making her groan and glare at the teacher. Next to her was Sasuke Uchiha, younger blood brother of Itachi, her brother'due south just friend. He chuckled at her "Such a dobe" he said with his 'Uchiha' smirk.

She hated him, he looked at her similar breeding stock, someone who would give him a strong heir nothing at all like Itachi. "Close up teme" she growled at him.

She just wanted to learn how to be strong to observe her brother. She felt like she could bring him back, she needed to apologize for never noticing what had happened to him as their parents neglected him.

Ever since her brother left 3 years ago her female parent had broken downwards. Merely reason no i had found out nonetheless was due to her father's knowledge of how her female parent was and the ability to use henge likewise Inoichi had been sworn never to tell or else be sentenced for treason.

And her father had focused on finding her blood brother so she mostly was looked after by Tsunade Senju, who her father had brought back to the village in hope she could heal her female parent merely all she could do is go on her torso healthy as he heed suffers. She now was master in the infirmary.

Nasumi groaned as luncheon came around, she was sitting with her friends. Shikamaru Nara, a lazy but heavily intelligent boy. Choji Akamichi a slightly heavy set boy who focused a lot on eating only was a sweet boy. Kiba Inuzuka a wild boy who with his dog Akamaru was the class clown and the self-proclaimed 'alpha male'. Shino Aburame, a soft spoken boy who was very logical and rarely talked unless it was to show the logical in something or lack thereof. And Hinata Hyuga, a shy and timid Hyuga heiress who stuttered a lot effectually males but was her best friend.

Everyone else bellyaching her greatly. Sakura Haruno, a banshee of a fan girl to the teme of an Uchiha also as Ino Yamanaka another fan girl but much less of a banshee. And finally the teme, Sasuke Uchiha.

She wished her brother would just return. "Thinking about your brother again?" Shikamaru said as he looked at her through one open centre from under the tree.

She sighs and nods "I just miss him and desire him back" she says with a pout.

She heard a scoff behind him "The dobe probably left so he wouldn't be a disgrace to his clan" Sasuke says.

Nasumi turns around and lands a strong striking on his jaw "Don't talk of my brother teme! He evaded 2 ANBU and Kakashi Hatake so shut the hell up earlier I break your jaw or even worse!" she says as he red hair takes on the paradigm of tails like her mother's use to when she was aroused.

Sasuke pales and crawls away equally Sakura and Ino screech at her hitting their 'precious Sasuke' simply they close upwards one time she sends a decease glare at them.

Hinata is shaking, Kiba is stake, Choji has stopped eating and Shikamaru sighs "Troublesome, at-home down Nasumi. You lot don't want to get in trouble". Nasumi groans and sits down as Shikamaru pats her dorsum "Don't worry, they will notice him in time".

Nasumi nods and looks at the heaven. She can only hope then.

-Chapter one Terminate-


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